Code of Conduct
A. Responsibility to Students – Yoga teachers should:​
Be truthful. (Satya: truth)​
Welcome all students with friendliness, warmth and compassion, regardless of race, gender, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, age, or disability.​
Treat all students with respect. (Ahimsa: non-violence)​
Not harass students (sexually or otherwise). (Ahimsa: non-violence and Brahmacharya: continence)​
Avoid intimate relations with their students. (Ahimsa: non-violence and Aparigraha: non-coveting)​
Recognize when the student-teacher relationship has been compromised by the existence of an intimate relationship, and in such circumstances, assist the student in finding another teacher if possible. (Brahmacharya: continence)​
Understand and apply appropriate methods of touch in assisting students. (Ahimsa: non-violence and Bramacharya: continence)​
B. Personal Responsibility – Yoga Teachers should:​​
Maintain a clean and well groomed appearance. (Saucha: purity)​
Dress in a modest manner while teaching yoga. (Saucha: purity)​
Avoid misuse of any subtonics such as drugs and alcohol. (Saucha: purity)​
Be mindful of speech. (Saucha: purity)​
Maintain a regular personal practice. (Tapas-Svadhyaya: zealous practice, study of self)